The above graph shows the results of the council elections that took place last week for each of the ~600 wards in London. The colours
More...Greater London National Park
A website calling for a Greater London National Park launched today (1 April) although it’s keen to point out that it’s not actually an April
More...The Great Inflow – Where the Commuters Go
This data map, from UCL CASA‘s own Ed Manley, shows the top destination station, for each starting station, in and around London. The graphic is
More...Cycle Hire Journeys & The Central London Grid
You may remember this map produced by Mapping London co-editor James in 2012. A version of this map appears in a journal article published by
More...10×10 London: Data Windows
This was the submission by the Mapping London editors into the 10×10 Drawing the City London 2013 art event, which was a charity auction run
More...Mapping London House Prices and Rents
There is always interest in London’s astronomical rents and house prices. As with any global city, there is huge demand for somewhere to live in
More...Cab Communities
Dr Ed Manley (@EdThink), a research associate on the Mechanicity project here at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, created this dramatic, colourful graphic (excerpt
More...London’s Wasted Heat
A huge amount of energy is wasted each year in London as heat escapes from our buildings in winter or is pumped out from
More...Strava Heatmap of Sports Activity
Strava, one of a number of services that walkers, runners and cyclists can use with their smartphones, recording and uploading their routes, has released a
More...Violent Crime Hotspots in London
This is an extract of a map, by Matt Ashby, formerly of the UCL SECReT (Security and Crime Science) lab, that takes open data
More...WeareData Map of London’s Data Leakage
UbiSoft have created this compelling live map of London’s sensor and social media data, as part of a promotion for their upcoming game “Watch Dogs”.
More...Second Languages
A map full of striking patterns, from Savills’ analyst Neal Hudson. It shows the areas of London where, for each area, the second most popular