This animation, produced by Jay Gordon, does a great job of capturing the daily flows of London’s commuters. It combines the 16 million or so daily
More...Mapping From Hell: Pt1
The epic graphic novel entitled “From Hell” is summarised in the following way: “An unflinching recreation of Jack the Ripper’s mutilation of five Whitechapel prostitutes
More...London’s Oyster Card Flows
Here is an animation that Ollie created a couple of years ago for the “Sense and the City” exhibition at the London Transport Museum.
More...Art on the Underground: Labyrinth
Last week I noticed a black and white maze on the wall next to the lifts at Caledonian Road station, it had a red cross
More...Silk Screen Hand-Drawn Map of London
David Ryan Robinson has produced this amazingly detailed hand drawn “map” of London. It was originally produced as a silk screen print and depicts a densely
More...Mapping Private Hire Cabs in London
Ed Manley (UCL Geomatic Engineering) produced this great map of private hire vehicles in London (note my avoidance of the “T” word). He was able
More...Mind the Maps: Celebrating 150 Years of the Tube
When we started the Mapping London one of our “ground rules” was not to turn it into a blog about Tube maps. On the 150th birthday of
More...London’s Twitter Tongues
Last week Ed Manley and I published a map showing the top 10 twitter languages in London. To our surprise it made it to page
More...The Tube Map: A tool for promoting social equality?
Most government statistics are mapped according to official geographical units such as wards or lower super output areas. Whilst such units are essential for data
More...Typographic Streets
It seems there is no escaping typographic maps of London, the idea has really taken off over the past couple of years. Axis Maps have
More...Summer 2012 Map
Next time you are passing through a station keep an eye out for a “London Summer 2012” map. It is a similar style to the
More...Travel to Work
Duncan Smith from UCL CASA has produced some great maps of commuter flows. Each line represents the routes people follow to work (as a straight line from