UCL Launchbox

UCL Pop-Up Shop features CASA products

UCL has opened a “pop-up” shop called Launchbox in Box Park Shoreditch which is designed to showcase “the hottest new designs emerging from UCL’s creative scene”. Ollie and I have had a few of our maps printed as posters which are available to purchase alongside other works from UCL staff and students. Colleagues in CASA have also been involved in linking the products to the Tales of Things website that encourages a more interactive shopping experience by letting customers tag and upload their thoughts about each item. The website also enables access to additional media, such as videos explaining each product. Here is me talking about the Twitter language map poster available in the shop. It may not seem that way but I am very excited about seeing it in print!


Ollie also has a version of his “Electric Tube” map for sale if you are interested in picking up a very abstract version of the Tube map…



The shop will be open until the end of June and is well worth a visit.



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