Luminocity3D, an “urban density and dynamics explorer”, is a interactive mapping website developed by UCL CASA’s Duncan Smith, which shows a number of urban demographics
More...Geodemographics of Londoners
Today, a new version of the Greater London Authority (GLA)’s London Datastore launches, with an updated look, a new responsive data dashboard, and various new
More...Mapping the Census for London
Neal Hudson, housing market analyst at Savills, has been crunching, mapping and graphing interesting results from the 2011 census, since the data started to be
More...10×10 London: Data Windows
This was the submission by the Mapping London editors into the 10×10 Drawing the City London 2013 art event, which was a charity auction run
More...UK Data Explorer: Maps of London’s 2011 Census
One of my earliest projects at UCL, back in 2009, was to create a customisable online map of all the 2001 Census key statistics. The
More...Second Languages
A map full of striking patterns, from Savills’ analyst Neal Hudson. It shows the areas of London where, for each area, the second most popular