Luminocity3D, an “urban density and dynamics explorer”, is a interactive mapping website developed by UCL CASA’s Duncan Smith, which shows a number of urban demographics
More...Violent Crime Hotspots in London
This is an extract of a map, by Matt Ashby, formerly of the UCL SECReT (Security and Crime Science) lab, that takes open data
More...UCL Launchbox
UCL has opened a “pop-up” shop called Launchbox in Box Park Shoreditch which is designed to showcase “the hottest new designs emerging from UCL’s creative scene”. Ollie and I
More...One Year of Mapping London
The Mapping London blog is 1 year today! We launched on February 24, 2011. To celebrate, today we are featuring Google Maps, and how it
More...UCL Hand Drawn Map of London
Step aside Stephen Walter, over 270 UCL students (and staff) have created their own interactive hand drawn map of London. Organised by two students Alistair Leak and